Some General Information to help you

Clarity on what a "Pass" means.

In America, Australia and most industrialised countries, a "pass" mark virtually always means a mark of 50% or above. (Although occasionally there are programs where the pass mark is set at a higher level such as 65 or 75%.)


World University of Leadership use the following grading scale:


0  - 49.9%    Fail (or Resubmit)

50 - 64.9%    Pass

65 - 74.9%    Credit

75 - 100%     Distinction


So if you get a "Pass" mark then don't feel you have done badly: - you may have scored 64%, and a pass mark means that your work is adequate.  Of course it is better to aim for Credits and Distinctions, but you shouldn't feel that a pass mark is a bad score. In fact more than half of those people who don’t fail a module, are given a Pass mark.


How to tell if your summary didn't get through to

Occasionally people send their summaries for marking, but the email doesn't arrive in the email box.  Often this is due to an incorrectly labeled email, but it may also be caused through technical problems of any of the servers involved - whether in the USA, in your country, or somewhere between.


The best way to know that your summary arrived is that you will have received an "auto-reply" email thanking you for sending in the summary.  (Though you may need to refresh (or reload) the inbox of your mail account to see this if you have just emailed off your summary.)


If at any time you have difficulties getting through to then please send the summary and the non-delivery message from your Internet Service Provider to (Please only send to this address if you are having problems.)


The summary methods document.

At you can download a lot of useful documents. (Make sure you right-click and choose “save as” so it downloads to your computer (or a floppy disk) rather than just displaying the document temporarily.)


A very important document to download is the latest summary methods document which outlines the various summary methods and how to do them. If you haven't yet read this then please do so thoroughly


Note: If there is a workbook, or a large amount of questions (that require more than a page of answers per chapter) than you don't need to do a summary.  Nor do you need to do summaries of the computer modules.  For everything else you will need to fill out summaries.

The need to schedule your time

One of the great advantages of studying by distance education is that you have a great amount of flexibility as to when you study. At the same time this can be a disadvantage in that is easy to put off studying and to treat it less seriously than you should.


It is important to treat your study the same way you would if you had to travel to University every day to study.  i.e. You would make sure that at the specified time every day that you are studying.  (Only on very rare occasions would you decide to not bother and to maybe make up the time another time.)  You also would be very upset if a relative came in to your lecture room to ask you to help them (e.g. to do the dishes) - so in the same way it is important that relatives treat your study - even when you are at home - with the same level of respect as if you were in a lecture.


We suggest you choose one of two study schedules:


Either 3 hours a day from Monday to Saturday


or 2 hours a day Monday to Friday, plus 8 hours on the weekend


And then what is critical is to stick to this timetable as diligently as if you were attending lectures. 


However, if near the end of the week you have already completed 1/4 of the module (60 pages of reading and summarising) then feel free to take the rest of the week off and reward yourself.

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